Mandela began by stating that he had been among the founders of Umkhonto we Sizwe , the armed wing of the ANC, and that he did not deny his involvement in planning sabotage, saying "I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness, nor because I have any love for violence. Interracial marriages, as well as sexual acts between the races, were banned. Mandela Death of Apartheid Mandela Mandela: New Haven , Conn.: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Mandela ends his speech with a long and powerful indictment against white South Africa:. I did not plan [sabotage] in the spirit of recklessness, nor because I have any love of violence.
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Eight of the nine men, including Mandela, were given life sentences; the only man to be found innocent, Rusty Bernstein, was immediately surrounded by security police, taken back to jail, and charged with new offenses.
Treason Trial ends; Mandela goes underground, forms Umkhonto we Sizwe; sabotage campaign begins. These people were soon joined by others, such as the Zulu and Sotho.
This page was last edited on 29 Septemberat World Literature and Its Times: Sci-tech City of Durban warns of high levels of mercury in the Umngcwini stream. More new sound bites are also expected to be heard, which will take listeners back giving insight to how the defence planned for the trial. Also their passports were confiscated and they could not travel anywhere without government permission.
He was rearrested in and sentenced to life imprisonment. Though realizing he would weaken his own case substantially, Nelson Mandela chose to deliver a speech from the docks rather than testify and face cross-examination in the witness mamdela. White Rule, Black Revolt. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.
She was released from prison in and went into exile. The ANC remained a mass political body of Africans only carrying on the type of political work they had conducted prior to Click here to see the last page from the speech from the dock. Hoping to maintain the mass political fervor roused by the Defiance Campaign, the ANC began to work more closely with other antia-partheid groups.

I wanted very much to cross swords with [the prosecutor], but it was more important that I use the form to highlight our grievances. The speech is so titled because it ends with the words "it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die".
“I am prepared to die” – Nelson Mandela Foundation
Upon his release he quoted the last sentence of his speech to the awaiting press. Founded inthe early ANC was conservative in nature, composed primarily of prominent, westernized Christian African men.
In response, the government passed the Sabotage Act, giving the minister of justice the power to ban all potential terrorists. The South African War Boer War ofan eruption of this ill will, was essentially an attempt by the Afrikaners to preserve the amndela of their settler states in the face of the British desire for complete dominance in South Africa. African families want to live together, and not be separated because a man or woman cannot work where they live.
These workers staged strikes and protests with little support from the ANC, which distanced itself from the masses. The s saw an increase in militancy, however, in the African population at large.

The events of March 21,later known as the Sharpeville Massacre, were followed by an enormous amount of protest both manvela Africans and from people abroad. He states his case bluntly: By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

In each case the move to violence—a last resort for many. But that was not our highest priority.
“I am prepared to die”
Despite strong resistance, by the early twentieth century all the African societies had lost their political independence speechh were forced to live under white rule. This entry was posted on 26 SepSometimes they had to move to isolated, largely Afrikaner villages in the middle of the rural Orange Free State or elsewhere.
Before the trial, Mandela and the other defendants decided that instead of testifying as witnesses and submitting to cross-examination he would make a speech from the dock to put the state on trial, by pointing out the injustices of the South African society and its legal system.
They had to report to the speecg daily. He discussed in some detail the relationship between the ANC and the Communist Party, explaining that, while the two shared a commitment to action against the apartheid system, he was wedded to a model of constitutional democracy for South Africa he singled out the British political model for particular praiseand also supported a market economy rather than a communist economic model.
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